Certified Agility In HR (ICP-AHR)

location: online

Price: €1170 excl. VAT

This certification is part of a specialized journey within the Business Agility track and is aimed at people who are in what organizations traditionally call the Human Resources (HR) domain. They are part of an organization aiming to adopt Agile thinking and practices, irrespective of their industry. This course is certified by ICAgile which is the only globally recognized agile certification.Authorized Instructor-SMALL

When exploring the challenges organizations face around talent we came up with the following as things we hope the track will be able to help address:

  • Attracting, hiring and retaining the right people
  • Identifying skill gaps and enabling growth at the individual & team level
  • People needing to take responsibility for their own growth and skills development
  • Keeping people’s skills relevant to the changing business environment
  • Embracing diversity without it being tokenism
  • Keeping people motivated and engaged – every person is responsible for their own motivation & engagement; leadership & HR should provide prerequisites for engagement (the necessary environment, tools, models – how much relates to agile ways of working and the culture vs how much is related to the individual)
  • Handling people who are not “team players” in a collaborative culture; what about people who do not believe in the agile values – what do we do with them, how much time and effort do we spend trying to cater to individuals who don’t fit the mindset?    What if these are senior people?  What do we do with the manager who don’t believe in agile?
  • Moving from individual performance mindset to team performance
  • Moving from distributed to co-located & vice versa, virtual and distributed
  • Business objective focused teams that are driven by KPI’s/Measures/OKR’s not individual goals
  • Capacity (time & money) allocated for people to learn/rate of learning is in contradiction to the desire to be a learning organization
  • Agility in mindset rather than in practices
  • Moving from job-ladder to career-mosaic (portfolio careers); what is an agile career path?
  • Job roles, job descriptions, titles – how do they change? Job architectures – roles, levels, competencies, gap analysis = move from closing the gaps to working with strengths
  • Performance appraisals/ratings = how do we set salaries when we don’t have performance ratings?  What is the salary box for a person?  What should impact your salary, should we have performance-related pay in agile organizations?
  • Building T-shaped people / generalising specialists = also T-shaped teams
  • The changing role of HR in agile businesses   – is the current relationship so tainted that HR is considered irrelevant? (Seen as order takers, administrators, compliance police)
  • Cultural productivity / cultural agility – teams persist and the culture becomes self-sustaining even though the team members move on
  • Succession planning in agile working – multidisciplinary teams and crossfunctional people mitigate against this.  Where do we draw the line?
  • Which HR practices become redundant in an agile organization, and what replaces them
  • Dealing with top management – what is their role, what is different for them, how can they use agile principles and tools in their work?  Influencing change in their behaviours? Is it possible to have an agile organization when senior leadership doesn’t live the values?
  • What is an agile organization, what org structures
  • Too busy delivering and fire-fighting to have time to shift to growth mindset
  • Frozen middle
  • Lack of using scientifically proven approaches to motivate and empower people
  • Aligning people performance measures with organization OKR/KPI/Goals
  • (Where is the handoff between goal setting in the people area vs strategic goals – differs across organizations)
  • There needs to be a common set of organization goals; how much should HR be involved in setting goals?
  • Now that we’re forming agile teams (cross functional) new challenges are emerging
  • Real skill gaps – technical, business, agile, leadership
  • Recruiting is hard – lots of competition in the market
  • Enabling self-organization and designing organizational structures which support effective teamwork
  • Creating and nurturing an environment of psychological safety Our goal is to enable people to be strategic partners and to be seen as the nurturers of a creative culture. More successfully truly own the culture in their organizations.

 Joanna is an Agile – Lean consultant, who is an expert in Business Agility, Agile-Lean Transformation and Development of High Performing Agile Teams.

Joanna has a masters degree in Project Management, from UCD Michael Smurfit Business School and has a background in technology and business, she developed a career in Agile and Lean consulting and leadership development, working on bringing a positive change across a wide range of organisations, sectors and cultures. She has worked with organisations in the following industries, the Financial Sector including Insurance and Banking, Gaming, Aviation, E-learning, Tourism and Travel.

She holds numerous Agile certifications and is an approved provider of Agile & Lean Training and Consulting by Enterprise Ireland, IDA and Local Enterprise Office. She’s also authorised by the International Consortium for Agile to run the certified ICP-AHR trainings.

She has helped coordinate Agile-Lean events internationally and is a board member of Agile-Lean Ireland. Joanna is a very active member of the Global Agile Community. She both organizes and speaks at various Agile-Lean events. In 2018-2019 she was on the European Scrum Gathering Team with Scrum Alliance.

7 x 2hrs + circa 10 hrs in own time (readings, online tutorials etc).